Chasing Contentment

Tuesday, February 15

A good friend of mine is doing some soul-searching these days, and she said to me yesterday, "I feel like my life is a big mirror, and I don't like all of the views." I thought that was an interesting, if sad, observation.

There have been times in my life when I took long, hard looks at myself and didn't like all of the things I saw. Those moments have sparked some of the best and most worthwhile changes I've ever made. They produced positive results.

And yet, I've often been guilty of looking into that mirror and disliking the reflection, not realizing that it was a funhouse mirror rather than a true one. It wasn't so much that my soul or my personhood was distorted and flawed but rather that my perception of myself was flawed.

In my life, I've always been defined a bit by the company I've kept. I've always needed strong, Christian women around me to support me and encourage me. It has been in the company of these women that I have flourished most. I find that, for me, the best mirrors I have are the ways in which my life is reflected back to me in those closest to me.

I like to think that the friends I keep, the family I nurture, are the best mirrors of who I am. My soul is poured out into these lives, and thus, they become reflections of me, hopefully good reflections.

I am certainly blessed to have arrived at a point in my life where I am content with who I am, in most of my various incarnations. My goal is to be always striving to be better while still accepting and being comfortable with who I am now.

[  posted by Chel on Tuesday, February 15, 2005  ]


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