Chasing Contentment

Friday, July 15

Why is it that learning the things God would have us learn is never easy? Why does the growth and development of our souls and spirits so often have to hurt?

Back when we were younger and deciding to have a family, we only knew one other couple (Mike's brother and his wife) who were even considering children, and so we proceeded about it with an innocence since lost. I got pregnant quickly and easily, and we quietly accepted our little blessing without ever considering that it wouldn't be easy for everyone else to conceive.

Through the years, the number of women I've known who have had one difficulty or another conceiving a child is almost certainly higher than the women like me who have no problems getting pregnant (Eliza's our little testament to my abilities in that area). And while I've learned great lessons through these women who've allowed me to share their journey (and I'm sure they've learned much as well), those lessons came at high prices.

This morning I saw an ad in the paper for a sibling class for expectant big brothers and sisters. We signed Griff up for one of those, but Eliza was delivered before the class was to be held. So much about her was unexpected and difficult, but we've learned so much about God and about family and friends and about ourselves through her life.

And we had an easy preemie/NICU experience! I was the one who was so terribly sick. Eliza, poor thing, just had to bear the weight of my illness. Her only real setback as she began her life was that she began it so very small. And in that statement, there is real blessing. Overwhelming blessing.

Through Jana's blog, I found Joe's blog, in which he describes both his ministry and his family's struggle with having a NICU baby. The realities of his confessions are heartbreaking. A year ago, I wouldn't have been able to read about what they're experiencing as the sights and sounds of a NICU were still too fresh. Even now, as I read, my heart breaks a little with each post.

But I'm encouraged by his family's love for their Lord and for one another. As he tells about friends and family giving such love and encouragement and support, I am reminded of how we are all connected and of how we can all be of service to one another, if only in tiny ways. And I feel led to pray for this young family that I have never met - and likely will never meet.

And maybe if I can pray for strangers, I can be faithful in praying for those closest to me.

[  posted by Chel on Friday, July 15, 2005  ]


I can arrange a meeting! ;) Thank you for your prayers.

By Blogger Jana, at 10:18 AM  

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