Chasing Contentment

Wednesday, August 31

The needs in the Gulf South are overwhelming. The stories we're hearing about the conditions in New Orleans, about the shelters being set up in Baton Rouge and the conditions of the special need evacuees being taken to those shelters, about the devestation... they are sobering.

Our parish school system is opening to evacuee children - as are many parish schools around the state - so that they might continue their education now, where they are, because it might be months before their own schools are reopened.

The scope of this is just beyond imagination. The evacuees continue to pour into our town. Shelters continue to open, and churches continue to mobilize to minister to these people in such a time of need. I have been impressed with the way area churches have responded, with the way our Christian brothers and sisters are opening their arms and welcoming these broken souls into our midst.

The little girls in the missions class I teach at church on Wednesday evenings are going to make cards tonight for some of the children who are in local shelters. The cards will be tied with ribbons to a stuffed animal the children can keep. So many don't have anything. It is so very important to me to both give my own assistance and to teach my children - and these precious little girls - that we can all make a difference, one little step at a time.

As we participate in the Day of Prayer around the state today, my prayer would be that each of us looks for that one tiny step of assistance that we could make this week. If we all take those little steps, we can show these people a drop of Christ's love for them.

[  posted by Chel on Wednesday, August 31, 2005  ]


I would love to hear how the stuffed animal ministry went. I think that is a fantastic idea. We have a teacher to be in school near here who is going to read books to the kids at the local shelter.

By Blogger Bro. Craig, at 10:38 PM  

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