Monday, January 16
Humble HeartsSome days, the responsibility of parenting feels daunting. The knowledge that we are our children's primary spiritual leaders and guides is overwhelming some days, especially when I'm still building my spiritual life.
But then, days like yesterday remind me that while my responsibility (mine and Mike's, actually) is vast, the ultimate responsibility for our children's spiritual health lies with God himself. He is using us, to be sure, but He is in control and is able with or without us.
I've been reading Carla Barnhill's book, "The Myth of the Perfect Mother," and she says more than once that she takes comfort in knowing that God is able to call her children to Himself regardless of what she does right or wrong, and I have loved that idea.
In church yesterday morning, Griff leaned over to me during the first song to whisper to me that he wanted to talk to me about something after church. I whispered back, "fine," and kept singing. During the next song, he whispered to me that maybe he'd tell me now. I whispered back the same, "fine." And thus began our session of whispering through the service.
Ordinarily, I would discourage the whispering. But what he wanted to tell me was that he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart and be baptized. And I thought that was more important than not whispering.
After church, Mike attended his first deacon's meeting (I'm very proud of him) before coming home to talk with me and Griff during Eliza's nap. We read lots of Scriptures and answered and asked questions, and Griff said the sweetest little prayer asking Jesus into his heart.
It was a moment (an afternoon of moments, really) that was unspeakably joyful. Our minister's sermon yesterday used the Scripture passage 1 Corinthians 13, and Griff listened as the minister spoke of love.
"And these three remain: faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13.Out of the blue (it seemed to me at the time), Griff felt God and moved toward him. And I see that God can do anything in His time, and that He is using me and Mike in the daily interactions with Griff that show our son that God is Lord in our lives.
In that, I can find no greater hope.
[ posted by Chel on Monday, January 16, 2006 ]
You must be so proud of Griff! I, too, praise God for loving my children even more than I do, and for His strength when I am weak! Blessings ~ Patricia
Chel...that is awesome! It is so cool to see God work in your child....such a miracle and wonder! I'm trying to learn with teens now, who made that decision long ago, to let God lead them in important life choices. And He never fails to work in their lives through a parent's prayers and His Word. It is always awesome to watch them finally 'get it' in their walk with God....I know you'll have many of those moments yet to come!
By 1:41 PM
, at
Oh, Amen!
Found you through the Carnival of Beauty. Thank you for sharing this precious moment with us.
Oh how neat! Congrats to your family. Your post made me think back on witnessing my son accept Christ - such a beautiful moment.
By 6:32 AM
, atGod is faithful. "the Promise is to you and to your children..."
By Kim Anderson, at 6:24 AM
Thank you all for your encouraging comments. We met with Griff and our minister this week, and he will make a public declaration of his decision Sunday in the service. A week or so after that, he will be baptized. I pray now that Mike and I will be able to adequately mentor him in this walk with Christ.