Chasing Contentment

Wednesday, January 11

I'm not a big fan of change, and I'm rarely very confident in my own talents or abilities. Not two of my finer qualities, but truths nonetheless. So when I make even little steps toward something new or bold (for me), it's a big deal and usually requires a fair bit of cheerleading from those around me.

But sometimes, with some work and the aforementioned cheerleading, I find something that clicks with me for whatever reason. This beading hobby seems to have done that. I rarely have a real idea of what I want a piece to look like, and so I am always surprised at the end result. It's always a delight to look at a finished piece and find it pleasing!

I've made and given jewelry as gifts for this last year, and during the holidays, I made several pieces for friends to give as gifts. I charged these dear folks only for the cost of the materials, something I will do as long as anyone is interested.
But in a big leap of faith, I'm going to try to sell some of my jewelry. To strangers! Number 10 on my 101 Things List is to sell my hand-made jewelry. And so this weekend, I took that step forward and I listed some of my jewelry on Etsy.

Now, that doesn't actually let me cross #10 off my list as I haven't sold anything yet. And I've only got a few pieces listed thus far, but it's a start. And we'll see what happens. And for now, I'm proud of myself (and thankful for my constant cheerleaders!) for taking this step.

So, anyone who would like to see what I'm making, my Esty shop - Created By Chel - is open. I have pictures of some of my other pieces in my flickr account.

I'll update here if I ever sell anything... wouldn't that be groovy?!

[  posted by Chel on Wednesday, January 11, 2006  ]


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