Monday, January 23
Yesterday, Griff made a public profession of his faith, and our minister asked us all to stand together after the service so Griff's family of faith could speak with him and welcome him into our church as a believer.It was a touching experience to have those church family members who have known him all his life come by and greet him as a new brother in Christ.
Our minister spoke in his message of faith, hope, and love, emphasizing that the greatest of the three is love. But for me, his words of hope were most touching. Here are my favorites ...
Hope is the future tense of faith.Right now, hope seems to be so very important, not only to my thoughts about all of our futures but about the daily motions of our lives.
Hope is not optimism of wishful thinking. It is grounded in the Resurrection.
Hope is a vital part of the Gospel promise.
Hope gives brightness and meaning.
[ posted by Chel on Monday, January 23, 2006 ]