Chasing Contentment

Wednesday, March 8

We're settling into the feelings that go with moving, and I'm becoming more at home in this transition phase in our lives. Most of the time, I'm not overwhelmed any longer. I'm at peace with our decision.

Josh wrote a sweet post about us at his blog yesterday and warned me that it might make me cry, but it didn't. It breaks my heart that those we love are suffering because of this decision, but I know that if God has this for us, then in the end, the change will be right for them, too.

It is in the quiet times, though (the still times), that I find myself sitting with my tears (with a fulltime job, two kids, and a dog, those still times don't happen often!). A few months ago, I bought tickets for us to take Griff to see the Kennedy Center's traveling stage production of Judith Viorst's book, "Alexander, Who Will Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Move," in the hopes that it might allay some of Griff's hesitations about moving.

The play was fabulous, and Griff laughed all the way through it. I, on the other hand, cried through the whole thing, hoping Griff was having too much fun to notice (he was).

Sunday morning, we all slept late and missed Sunday School, arriving in time for worship services. Mike took Eliza to the nursery while Griff and I found seats. Friends motioned us up to sit with them, and we ended up with this sweet dating couple between me and Mike, which was fine. Until it wasn't.

Sitting in the still of our beautiful sanctuary, looking around at the place that has given me such lovely memories (we were married there... both of our children were dedicated there... Griff was baptized and Mike was ordained there), I was unexpectedly fighting tears, wishing Mike was beside me to take my hand.

Because in the end, having his hand in mine takes away my fear. My faith in God moves my steps in this new direction, trusting that He will provide. Mike's hand in mine gives me the confidence to keep going.

My prayer for those who are struggling with our leaving is that they are able to hold tight to the hands they hold and that God send them new (though certainly not better!) friends to become part of their lives. My commitment is to continuing the friendships that are so vitally important to us. I've learned through the years that distance can change friendships, but heartstrings have an amazing ability to stretch across the miles. Love is elastic.

[  posted by Chel on Wednesday, March 08, 2006  ]

1 Comments:! big move! We just went through this very thing, my husband being a pastor, it does hurt people when God moves you. (Ours was just from northern AZ to Phoenix though) I'm so glad we are in the new place now and getting settled in.

It is definitely hard for a while in transition and getting set up again. God has that all planned out for you...good things! =)

God bless you on this journey!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:34 PM  

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