Chasing Contentment

Wednesday, May 10

It was an off day for ultrasounds yesterday as my friend, Aleece, wasn't able to find out if her little one is in need of pink or blue clothes. And as both of these dear friends of mine anticipate such blessed arrivals, I'm reminded of the sad parts of this move. Not being here to hold these babies is certainly on my sad list.

A mentor of Mike's came by my office this morning and said she has really mixed feelings about our move, saying that she understands it but that she really doesn't want us to go. In a lot of ways, I agree with her completely.

Every morning as I drive Eliza to daycare, I pass the same kid standing at his bus stop and the same old man walking (though in all of these years, I have never figured out where he walks to and from each morning). I know the other parents at the daycare, and the workers adore Eliza and ask about Griff since many of them worked with him, too. By the time I drive to work, the little boy has gotten on his bus and begun his school day.

I'll miss those things. I'll miss the guy in our neighborhood who walks everywhere and waves but rarely says hello. I'll miss Buzz and his garden and watching him train the puppy that replaced Murky, the best trained dog I've ever seen. It'll be weird for the pizza guy not to know Mike on sight, and it'll be challenging to find a new church. So many things...

In no way do I doubt that this move is exactly what we needed. But just as I told Griff, there are days that are just sad.

There are, however, things that are encouraging like the success with both houses and the proxemity to family (and spring training). And it doesn't hurt that with the heat index here at 97 today (and 100 yesterday), the 89 there sounds like a breezy spring day.

A friend told me that this move would be hardest for me because I would make it easy for everyone else in my little family, and that keeps ringing true to me. Mike made the statement to me one day that someone had told him he was lucky to be moving to Florida because it was easy to sell to Griff. I reminded Mike that he was actually lucky to be married to me because I could have sold Griff on anywhere.

As long as the four of us are together, anywhere will be okay.

[  posted by Chel on Wednesday, May 10, 2006  ]


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