Chasing Contentment

Friday, May 26

Technically, I'm on vacation for the next week or so, but after that I'm unemployed. And thus far, I'm liking it. :)

I'm leaving in an hour or so for a girls' weekend in Texas with two of my dear friends from college. It's good for us to get together each summer and renew and enrich our friendship. We've each had very different years, with their own difficulties and tensions, and it will be good to discuss them with one another.

Lots of laughter and talk and good food... a lovely weekend.

[  posted by Chel on Friday, May 26, 2006  ]


girls weekends, or nights out are always fun. i cherish the times i gets to spend with my close friends... especially when there is good food and long chats.

have a wonderful vacation!

By Blogger Jim, at 8:27 AM  

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