Chasing Contentment

Tuesday, June 6

I've been considering not blogging any longer once we move, but I have also tried to remember that this probably isn't the best time for me to be making decisions like that. I'm plenty sad with the goodbyes I'm already saying, and I know I'm just responding to that. Today, I got a couple of sweet comments from readers, reminding me that people are connected to me through this blog.

We sat together tonight as I worked on the computer and Eliza looked through all of my jewelry and insisted that we all wear some, which was fun and funny. She'll always have plenty of pretties to wear.

Tomorrow, I'm going to meet my friend, LeeAnn, for an overnight visit before we head out to Florida. I'm looking forward to some girl time with her, to talking and just being. I'm hoping this time will give me that extra boost that I need to get through the next few days of packing and moving.

[  posted by Chel on Tuesday, June 06, 2006  ]


You can't stop. It's neat to see another Christian grow in the Lord. I don't see that often enough. Keep blogging!

By Blogger Bro. Craig, at 9:30 PM  

You're in my "I Really Like" set of blog tabs...I wouldn't like it if you went away.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:32 AM  

i read your blog all the time chel! you can't stop now! it's encouraging and it's great to see someone blogging "real" stuff.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:38 AM  

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