Chasing Contentment

Friday, June 9

Mama Mandy - June 6
Dear Mandy,
I know that your second Mama Mandy letter is late, but I knew you were in Eureka on the first, so I waited. And what with the horrid problems we've had lately with Mike's laptop and all of the boxes, well, I'm just late.

We are a mere 11 days from our Griff's eighth birthday and 12 days from our departure from this life and our arrival in another. And we're leaving this life we love just as you're beginning a brand new life, too. Know without a doubt that there may be distance between our houses but never between our hearts.

You're learning already that children change your lives. Already your days are beginning to be determined by that tiny being inside you. You're sick and tired and weary, and you are beginning to plan things around how you feel... around the baby. It's a lousy thing for right now, but it's good training for motherhood in which so little is about you and so much is about the baby.

The sickness will ease, and your energy will return in a few weeks. Let your body tell you what it needs. Listen to it. Sleep when you have the chance. Spend time with Josh.

While you'll find that much of your lives revolve around your children, it's always going to be important that you and Josh put time and energy into your marriage. It's good for kids to see their mama and daddy putting one another as a priority.

I know that this is a difficult time right now, and I wish I could make the sickness go away, but with any luck, by the time you get the next of these letters, you'll be feeling better.

This baby you carry is already so loved. Just like you. (And Josh.)

[  posted by Chel on Friday, June 09, 2006  ]


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