Chasing Contentment

Wednesday, July 12

Despite the difficulties associated with this move and despite the emotional toll it's taken on me in various ways, I have never doubted that this move was right for us. Nothing at all has happened the way I expected, but everything has worked out better than I'd hoped. God has orchestrated this, I have no doubt.

We enrolled Eliza in daycare this morning, and while it is vastly different from her previous daycare, it is also probably exactly what she needs right now. It's very homey, cozy and warm. We weren't there for long this morning, but by the time we left, Eliza was already playing with another child and having a good time. And that's what we needed for her.

Like most everything else about this move, it happened quickly. Yesterday morning, I was worried about childcare. Today, I have it arranged for both kids.

And I got a second interview! Again, I don't know that this is what God has for me, but I'm pleased with the opportunity thus far. The daycare situation reminded me today that I don't need to worry with this. I just need to trust that God has me in His hands. And I do.

So, we had this great day... and now the third season of "Project Runway" is on. Add a Diet Coke and one of those hidden mama Milano cookies & my day will be perfectly complete.

[  posted by Chel on Wednesday, July 12, 2006  ]


hey girl! hope your day is blessed with peace and love. i know these times can make you very anxious. but you said it right when you said "i just need to trust that God has me in His hands". sounds like you're doing great. just keep your chin up and keep your eyes on The Son!

in Him,

By Blogger Radical One, at 9:45 AM  

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