Chasing Contentment

Wednesday, August 2

Since we've been in transition for, well, most of the summer, I've neglected reading the Carnival of Beauty. I took the time today to read the posts on the Beauty of Philippians, and I was blessed by them. I remember why I enjoyed the Carnivals in the past. I'll make a note to begin submitting posts for the weekly Carnivals.

Philippians is such an encouraging book, and the different perspectives on it were wonderful.

[  posted by Chel on Wednesday, August 02, 2006  ]


I was wondering what happened to you. But I just now remember that you have moved to a different city...Sorry for my forgetfulness. I am looking forward seeing you in the carnival again.
And thank you for stopping by today :)

By Blogger eph2810, at 6:54 PM  

Thanks for thinking of me! We're all getting settled in and adapting to our new environment. Eliza's going to her new daycare tomorrow for the first time while we take Griff to third grade orientation... a big day for all of us.

I'm looking forward to joining the Carnival again next week and to hosting again later this fall.

By Blogger Chel, at 8:02 PM  

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