Sunday, August 13
Today, the devotional I read was based on Philippians 4:11... the contentment verse, one of my favorites. I thought it was especially fitting since today is our 12th wedding anniversary. Through those 12 years, we have had good times and bad times, happy and sad. Today, we have two kids, a mortgage, a car payment, one job, one no-job-yet, friends, family, and more love than I would have thought possible all those years ago. I would rather be with this man than with anyone else. I am forever grateful to God for placing us together, for knowing that the two of us would make a good team.
Much love.
[ posted by Chel on Sunday, August 13, 2006 ]
You're both very lucky to have each other, and you're kids are lucky to have parents who love each other so much.
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!! We just celebrated our 15th anniversary this summer..and I truly love my guy now more than ever!
I came by your site by way of "Favorite Sister's" - and noticed by one of your posts that you are possibly living in Florida.
My sister Kat just moved to Florida in July - I know she is missing fam and making many new adjustments as a newly married Bride....maybe you guys could encourage eachother ;)
Check her out by coming to my site and clicking on "Kat" if you are interested.
Florida has been lovely... for the two months we've been here. :) I went to your sister's blog and left her a message. I'm all for having buddies down here, even if they are online.
hi Michelle! Thank you for visiting my blog. I have been in Florida for only 2 weeks and married for 4 1/2 weeks. I had one of those lonely, sad, frustrating, grumpy days yesterday that you mentioned in your post from last Thursday. I can only hope that God's plan for my life in Florida will include meeting new friends and having lots of great adventures with my new husband.
Happy Anniversary!!! I'm so happy to see marriages that are growing in love -- the way that God intended for them to :) Good luck in your job search and God bless you and your family!!!
BTW, what part of Florida are you in?
Hang in there. We've been here two months now, and I'm easing into it. You'll settle in soon and find things about your town that you really enjoy.
We're north of you in Central Florida. Have you read "Marley and Me?" It's set down in the part of Florida you're in now, and you might enjoy it.
I look forward to keeping up with your settling in experience. It'll be nice to share the process with someone.
Yea - you guys are already "chatting" - how coolio and thank you God for bringing these two together - may they bring eachother encouragement, hope and comfort as they head into new territory that you have given them to possess!!
Blessings to you both~!