Chasing Contentment

Saturday, October 6

Four years ago this morning, I woke up in a hospital bed. I had spent the prior day and evening with horrible stomach pain, and my doctor put me in for observation. Mike went home to be with Griff (relieving Mandy and Josh, who, as always, were there when we needed them), and the nurses gave me something lovely to help me sleep.

That morning, they drew blood for some additional bloodwork and sent me home. My mom decided to come check on us and drove down from Arkansas. And we spent an enjoyable (if swollen) day together. Our last day before Eliza.

This morning has been way better than that. Griff and Eliza played while Mike and I slept in (like old people, we thought 8 am was pretty late), and we've got family coming to visit today for birthday fun. I love birthdays... anyone's birthday.

Earlier, I was helping Eliza get dressed, and as I held her I told her I loved my three-year-old girl and that I would love her tomorrow when she was four and that I would love her forever.

She replied with, "And I'm gonna love my daddy forever!"

Yep. I've got Daddy kids.

[  posted by Chel on Saturday, October 06, 2007  ]


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